주제 : 은행
질문 : 우리나라 보편적인 은행
It is called 새마을금고 bank within walking distance from my office
you can see ATMs where you can get some cash
some tellers wait for suctomers at counters in the bank
When people gey inside, they usually pull out a number and wait for their turns
there is a gecurity guard on duty
I sit down and read some magazines or books before my turn is called
입금 - Deposit
출금 - Withdraw
은행 업무 - 계좌 개설/이자 확인/이체/입,출금/환전/융자/공과금/벌금
pull out a number and wait for my turn
When they call my number, I go to the teller and take care of my business
I sometimes open an a account and check the interest rate if necessary
Next, I check my balance or transfer money
Or, I deposit or withdraw some money (get a card issued)
I also exchange currency for trips overseas
I also get a loan when I need money, pay utility bills or traffic tickets
질문 : 은행 과거 현재 비교
In the past,
I had to go to a bank to do banking
It was easy to find banks everywhere
but now,
I do many things with mobile banking whenever and wherever
I check my balance or do stock trading online on the move
It takes much less time to do banking
Banks reduce the number of their branches because more and more people use the mobile banking
질문 : 은행업무 관련 겪은 문제 - 대기자 너무 많았던 케이스
I remember a time when I went to the bank nearby my office during luch time
I needed to get a loan because I wanted to buy a new car
As I expected, there were too many poeple in the bank (packed with a lot of people)
I got a number slip but there were over 20 people before me
I waited for about 30mins and my lunch time was almost done
But my turn still didn't come
I had to come back to my office as I had a important meeting
Unfortunately, I wasted my time and effort
Also I had to revisit the bank again
Since then, I have never visited the bank at lunch time
주제 : 교통 수단
우리나라 교통수단
본인 이용하는 교통수단
I drive my own car
gas prices increased a lot
I can even customize the temperature I want to
주제 : 예약 (Appointment)
질문 : 본인이 평소에 하는 예약 종류들 묘사
these days I normally make various appointments in my life over the phone or online
When I feel sick, I go see a doctor (go to see a doctor : 주치의)
In that case, I make doctor's appointment first
Plus, I make regular appointments with a dentist
By doing so, I get check-ups or my teeth clened
Whenever I need to get a haircut or perm, I also do appointments
I usually go to the hair salon once or twice a month
(two to three times)
질문 : 본인이 평소에 예약하는 방법 구체적인 묘사
I first look for a phone number by doing a seach online
I read reviews
I make a call to make an appointment
I ask them when they are available
I tell them when I want to come in and fix the time
I usually get a text message confirming my appointment
질문 : 과거 예약 경험
I needed to get a haircut (had to)
On the day of the appointment, I went to the hair salon on time
First, they shampooed my hair
the hair-stylist cut my hair
I also got a perm and I got my hair dyed
they dried and styled my hair
my stylist did a good job
I was happy with my new look
some of my shirts were not applied to discounted prices
I mean I paid regular prices
I want you to correct the wrong price
Can you correct this error? If not, I would like to get a refund
은행 - RP
질문 : 전화해서 통장 개설
what kinds of accounts are available?
Do you have savings accounts of checking accounts?
Can you give me any recommendations?
Are there any fees to open an account?
If so, how much is the fee?
I would like to get a credit card[debit card]issued as well
Can you tell me how long it takes?
질문 : 은행 계좌나 카드 등에 문제가 생겼던 경험
I have had several problems with my credit card
my credit card was rejected when I tried to withdraw some cash
I found tou that I maxed out my credit card
I didn't have enough money in my bank account
Plus, I remember when the magnetic strip was damaged
I coudln't use my card. So I had to get my card reissued
Last of all, there was a time when I lost my credit card
I had to cancel my credit card and get it reissued
These are the problems I have had with my bank cards
2022.04.30 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-8] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 인터넷, 호텔, 쇼핑
2022.04.23 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-6] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 지형, 집에서 보내는 휴가
2022.04.16 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-2] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 집, 가구, 가전