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공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드

[DAY-9] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 건강, 직장인 식사, 산업, 커리어

by 버닝 아이스 🔥 2022. 5. 14.

주제 : 건강


질문 : 주위에 건강한 사람에 대해 묘사

describe a healthy person you know ~ / What makes that person healthy? /  Why do U think that way?

my colleagues at work
do several things to stay healthy

1)eat healthy and regularly
a lot of veggies and fruits

2)work out regularly
at least 3 times a week

3)personal hygiene is very important
washing your hands well help them prevent disease
4)try to stay positive



질문 : 본인이 건강을 위해 한 일/하는 일

What are some things U have tried personally to stay healthy / Did u work out?

In fact, I have done various things to stay healthy
And I even did enjoy having organic food
In addition, I worked out as often as I could



질문 : 건강을 위해했던 구체적인 행동 / 건강식 문제

something that u tried for ur health that turned out to be effective / What did u do? / What kinda ~ 

I should point out that eating halthy is one of effective ways to stay healthy
I have eaten healthy food like ~
I mean apples and tomatoes are my favorites
they contain lots of vitamins
At the same time, I tried not to have fast foods
I enjoyed pork/beef/beans/tofu regularly every single day
they are rich in healthy protein
organic food whenever I could
it is much healthier than any others
Overall, eating well helped me stay healthy



질문 : 동네에 건강식품 판매하는 식료품점

Local health food store in ur neighborhood / What does this place look like?

a local grocery store not far from my house
large in size
I normally go shopping to get fresh ingredients once or twice a week
various sections for fruits, veggies and organic food
it sells seafood as well
good-quality produces and good prices, so I can get great deals there



질문 : 건강 유지 과거 현재 비교 (세대차이 비교)

How ur parents' generation used to maintain their health in the past / How is it different from now ~

people did not think about their health a lot
it was not easy to get health-related information
but now, things are totally different
they have become more health-conscious than in the past
for example, people google some tips for their health online
by using proper information, they try to eat healthy and regularly
work out as often as they can
there are many gyms to provide exercise programs like yoga, swimming, and so on
people try to avoid junk or fast food
now people care about their health a lot compared to the past



질문 : 식품관련 뉴스

Food can get contaminated because of bacteria / It can go bad or become toxic / Incident ou heard on the new regarding this issue


watching the new about a massive food poisoning incident at a school last summer
something was wrong with the food ar the student cafeteria
the food went bad because it's summer
the weather was very hot and humid during~ in Korea
The food was contaminated by bacteria
Most of the students had to go to the hospital
The whole school got seriously sick
they had a high fever, stomach pain and vomiting
especially in the summer



질문 : 건강식 먹게 된 계기

My mom recommended me to eat healthy food like milk,
didn't like it
as I get older, I started to enjoy it


주제 : 직장인 식사


질문 : 바빠서 외식하거나 주문해서 먹음 / 건강에 관심

How do busy working ppl usually get their meals during weekdays? / Do they order food or go to restaurants?

are getting busier than ~
it is not easy ro make some time to cook
eat out or order in much more often
I am tied up with my work
I sometimes get the food to go or eat it on the spot
I use a food delivery application to order in



질문 : 새로운 식료품점 알게된 방법

How did u found out about a very special food or grocery store.

I found a new grocery store by searching for some information online
I read reviews about some places
I check their locations
high-quality veggis at a reasonable price
So I was able to get great deals
I am a regular there
this was a way that I found the new food store



질문 : 좋아하는 테이크아웃/배달 음식점 묘사

take-out or delivery restaurants that u like / What do those restaurants look like? / How often do u go there?

It has a few tables and chairs
But normally it is packed with a lot of customers
Like other chains, it also serve pre-set menus including fried checkien, hamburgers and so on
I cannot see anything special
on the way home, I use a drive thru to get cheese burgers once or twice a week



질문 : 좋아하는 테이크아웃/배달 음식점을 통한 특별한 행사

when u prepared food for a special occasion using take-out or delivery restaurants ~

mom's b-day
invited some relatives
In order to treat them well, we had to prepare lots of food
I cooked some dishes for the gathering, I had to order in extra food
using a delivery app, I ordered in Korean traditional food at a reasonable price
I was very satisfied with the high-quality food
Thanks to that, I could save some time to prepare for the party



질문 : 우리나라 보편적인 음식점 묘사

Restaurants in your country/ typical restaurants look like

At these restaurants, customers cook the food themselves
They grill the meat on the grill that is built into the table
people can enjoy some side dishes like~~~ without extra charges

김치 + 불고기
Kimchi is selected as one of the healthiest food in the world
In addition, it is well-known to enhance/strengthen the immune system
Someone said It tastes hot and spicy
But it is so tasty for me
Normally, Korean people eat Kimchi when they have meals

The other is Korean barbecue called 불고기
It is cooked with some meat and vegetables
The dish contains proteins and vitamins
eat this food on special days like birthday parties

The meat was so juicy and tender
We had the meat with various side dishes
We ate some noodles called 냉면 at the end



질문 : 다 먹고 났는데 돈 없는 상황

I left my money and credit card behind at home
I can not pay for it
If you don't mind, may I pay it later?
Instead, I would like to put my business card
Can you take my ID card instead?? then I will drop by your store after work




주제 : 산업



질문 : 산업만 언급 (2번에 회사명이 들어가야하기 때문에 1번에 언급하지 않음)

rising industries or companies in your country / Why is that industry ~ famous, and what is special about it?

rising industries in Korea is the cell phone industry
More and more people are so intrerested in using thier ~
do something whenever and wherever
Plus, the latest smartphones have become much fater, lighter and thinner
It's easier to use and carry around
If it's possible, I would like to work in this industries in the future
promising industries



질문 : 전도 유망한 기업

Promising or famous company in this particular industry? ow the company started, well-known

I would say that Korea is IT powerhouse
There are giant tech companies such as 삼성 and LG
market leaders in the global IT industry
삼성 is leading some appliances like ~
it takes up large market shares of global markets
the company exports many appliances
That means it makes an essential role in Korea's economy
thanks to the high quality of the products, more and more foreigners are getting to know Korea's other items.
And even they are interested in Korean culture as well
삼성 play a great role in Korea's economy



질문 : 기업성공 과정 및 난관 극복

When this company introduced its most important products, were they successful right away? / challenges

I think that Korean tech company 삼성 has grown a lot over the years
one of the largest companies in the world
There are some key reasons that mad the company so successful
it has made timely inverstments in research and development
As aresult, it has a technological advantage over its competitors
the company's workforce is some of the best brains in the field
many other companies benchmark 삼성 for its business practices
Meanwhile, the company faces many challenges as well
It heavily depends on its exports
So, if the gloal economy slow down, the company's sales volume drops sharply
company has to deal with fierce competition coming from its rivals
Despite these challenges, 삼성 is very likely to succeed in the future



질문 : 사람들/본인이 진로(커리어)를 위해 한 일/하는 일

what kinds of effort have you made so far for yout career? / working experience or individual efforts

various things for career
I had to study a lot and got my degree in a university
I prepared for job interviews
I did several internships in giant tech companies
tried hard to study foreign languages
I went to take online classes to improve language skills



질문 : 관심산업의 3년 전과 지금 비교

an industry that u follow? / What was this industry like 3years ago? / How has it changd since then?

the cell phones have advanced a lot
3 years ago, the Internet on the smartphone was quite slow
my phone was just a phone
I mean I only made a phone call and sent text messages
It means I did online searches or simple things, but that was it
But now, mobile internet has become a lot faster
5G networks have become commmercialized and thay are amazingly fast
they chat with other people on messaging apps and stream music,
Also, some of them work from home and have meeting at home using the Internet



질문 : 관심업계에서 기대에 못미친 상품

product did notmeet the expectations of the public / reactions of the public and the indusry to that issue

have become a lot better in quality
However, there are still some problems with them
Among them, the phone battery is one of the common problems
these days, people always carry around their phones to use wherever
it is very easy to run out of its battery
So, the phone dies quite often when they want to use it
it's very inconvenient when they make a phone call with others
they need a portable charger or back-up batteries



RP-산업 리포트 쓰는데 친구한테 조언

Calling to ask for some help
I think that you know a lot about the industry
How is the technology industry doing these day?
Are tech companies doing better or worse compared to the past
are there any innovations or changes in the tech world?
I wonder if it can take up more market shares



RP-미팅에 못가는 상황 설명, 대안 제시

Something came up suddenly,
one of my family members has severe food poisoning
I have to take her to a hospital
sorry for this cancellation at the last minute
I'd like to reschedule our meeting
When are you available? / Why don't we meet next Monday?
If not, I can make some time next Friday



처음으로 신제품에 대해 알게 된 본인 경험 묘사

I was so excited when I got my first smartphone. It was quite revolutionary
My first cell phone was just a regular phone
I was able to just make phone calls and send text messanges, but that's it
bulky and heavy
have changed a lot over the years
now called smartphones and people can do almost everything using them
5G networks have become more commercialized and are very fast


2022.04.30 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-8] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 인터넷, 호텔, 쇼핑

2022.04.29 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-7] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 명절, 바, 쇼핑(RP), 커피숍(RP)

2022.05.14 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-9] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 건강, 직장인 식사, 산업, 커리어

2022.05.29 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-10] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 은행, 교통수단, 예약하기(Appointment), 은행업무 관련 대화(RP)

2022.04.23 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-6] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 지형, 집에서 보내는 휴가

2022.04.22 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-5] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 국내/해외 여행, TV 시청하기, 미국 다녀온 친구에게 질문하기(RP)

2022.04.21 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-4] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 음악, 영화, 약속 취소하기(RP)

2022.04.18 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-3] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 재활용, 커피숍, MP3, 친척집 봐주기(RP)

2022.04.16 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-2] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 집, 가구, 가전

