1. 오픽 AL 등급 획득의 노하우만을 모아놓고,
모든 주제의 스크립트를 퀄리티 높게 정리해서 공유하는 블로그를 따로 운영하고 있습니다.
아래 사이트로 방문해주세요.
오픽미(Oh Pick Me)
오픽(OPIC) 시험 정보, 오픽 스크립트 그리고 영어 회화에 관한 다양한 정보!! 함께 공부합시다!! :-D
주제 : 음악
질문 : 좋아하는 음악/장르
U indicated ~ / What type of music do u like listening to ? / Who is ur favorite singer?
I'm not that Picky with ~
좋아하는 이유 : catch and trendy melody
soft and quiet
helps me relieve my stress
while taking a walk or driving my car
tons of fans overseas
fast and upbeat
send positive messages
recently-released album was a big hit
topped the billboard chart
질문 : 음악 과거/현재 비교
How did you first get interested in ~ / What kind of ~ / When u r young / How was~ different from~today?
At first I started to have interested in a Korea group called GOD
most of my friends listened to their songs
sang and danced very well
거짓말 is my favotie
believe it or not I have listened that song more than 1 thousand times
But as I get older, I started to listen to various
Sometimes I feel like listening to soft and quiet music
wind down and relax
upbeat music while working out on weekend
질문 : 음악 언제/어디서/왜 듣나
When and Where do u like to listen to music? / Why do u listen to music?
normally whenever I have some/spare/free
with my smartphone,~~ whenever and wherever
plug in my earbirds when I'm on the move
the music is always with me on the subway or the car
connect my phone to ~ with Bluetooth
concentrate on something at a noisy place, ★
can focus better that way ★
질문 : 음악 들었던 경험
when u went to listen to some live music / Perhaps it was at a concert of a live cafe / mood~
Concert I went to last Chistmas
was a I.U concert, a Korean pop singer
was held at a ~ in
was full of people ( packed with more than 3000~ )
completely sold-out
overall mood / very lively
were singing along the songs throughout the
sang all of her hit songs
Looking back / worth the money I spent
질문 : 음악 기기 (뮤직가젯)
Music gadgets or equipment ppl and currently interested in ~ / How~ useful / What do ppl like about them?
it has multiple functions
listen to musics online using the streaming service it's easy to download ~ to enjoy it when we cannot get access to the Internet
sound quality ~has become much better
connect to your car audios / to your Bluetooth headsets or speakers
has various convenient features
concentrate on something at a noisy place, ★
can focus better that way ★
질문 : 음악가/가수 2명 비교
Pick two different types of music or composers~ / Similarities and differences between those two ?
catch and trendy melody
won a lot of music awards in Korea
have so touched rylics
unique voice
해외팬 많음
새로 앨범 발매 - 히트 - 빌보드 탑
deliver the message of hope to fans
concert online
장르가 약간 다름
R&B / Dance
soft and quiet / fast and upbeat
she is a singer who sings by herself
BTS is boy band group with 7 member
I love both of them.
I really hope that all these guys become more popular artists in the future
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념 (실제 기출 문제 500개 PDF 파일) (tistory.com)
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념
저자 소개 안녕하세요. 평범한 회사원12년차 '오픽미'입니다. 오늘은 제가 만든 전자책을 소개해드리려고 합니다. 저는 해외 대학 출신도 아니고, 그 흔한 어학 연수 경험도 전혀 없습니다. 순수
주제 : 영화
질문 : 좋아하는 영화
favorite genre of movies? / Why do u like those movies?
I normally watch whatever is fun
I mean I just see them that top the charts
Hollywood blockbuster movies. exciting and entertaining
It's good way to kill some time or relieve stress
ex) when I have sparetime I normally like to watch Hollywood action movies like the Captain America / Averngers
they usually do very well at the box office
Meanwhile, Korean movies
They have become much better
Korean movies are recently released overseas
won several awards at big film festivals
질문 : 최근 영화보러 갔던 경험
movie theather you went to recently / What did u do before and after the movie?
Purchased tickets online at a discouted price
did window shopping at stores
got some popcorn and coke
was really exciting and touching
get hungry the most of case
질문 : 기억에 남는 영화
most memorable movie you watched in the past? / What was so special about that movie?
final episode of the Avengers series
It starred one of my favorite actores, 누구
about some heroes joining forces to save the world and to end a war against a Powerful villain
storyline / a big twist at the end / full of(packed with) excellent action scenes
original sound track of ~
movie did very well at the box all over the world
질문 : 영화관련 뉴스? 기사?
one of the actors who was in the news because of some issue recently / What was that issue about?
According to the news I read one on my favorite Korean actors 이정재 became one of the super stars in the world
He is starred in the squid game newly released movie
It broadcasted from Nexflix and this film was topped the Neflix charts.
I am sure you already have heard about this movie from some articles or news.
There was a lot of hype surrounding the movie
Lee has also starred in ~ movie series as ~
In fact, the movie was about some kinds of survival game for the prize money.
This movie is fully packed with a lot of thrilling scenes. And there is big twist at the end.
This movie is breaking the sales records even in many other countries
I am so proud that Korean actors getting popular over the world like this
질문 : 영화 과거 현재 비교
compare the movies made today to movies u saw while u were growing up? / changed over the years?
used to watch HW movies a lot
K-movies were not that entertaining and exciting
the most noticeable change is the use of computer graphic
Thanks to them, some ghosts or monsters appear unbelievably real on movies
Another big change is a ticket price
It has doubled for the last 10 years
However, it looks reasonable with greatly increased quality of the films
K-movies have been better than in the past
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념 (실제 기출 문제 500개 PDF 파일) (tistory.com)
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념
저자 소개 안녕하세요. 평범한 회사원12년차 '오픽미'입니다. 오늘은 제가 만든 전자책을 소개해드리려고 합니다. 저는 해외 대학 출신도 아니고, 그 흔한 어학 연수 경험도 전혀 없습니다. 순수
Role - Play
질문 : 과거에 공연/약속 취소 경험
I remember a time when I was supposed to meet up with my friends
We were looking forward to seeing each other
But I got really sick and couldn't even get out of bed
I had severe food poisoning because I ate something wrong the day before
I had to go bathroom over and over as I had runs
I also threw up several times
It was nightmare
I really wanted to hang out with my friends but there was nothing I could do
Looking back, I regret missing that get-together that day
질문 : 친구와 볼 영화표 영화관에 구매 전화 문의
calling to ask about
thinking of cathching~
I'd like to get 2 tickets for me and my friend.
online? how much it is?
I wonder if I could bing my car / Can I park there / If not
질문 : 영화관에서 매표원이 잘못 판매한 표 대안
I just found out that ~
I ordered tickets for 6 pm but it's for 8pm
exchange this tickets with right time tickets
Or, I wonder if I can get a full refund
I am sorry for the trouble but I need your help
질문 : 친구한테 전화해서 약속 취소
I know you were very excited about the concert
why don't you go there with someone else?
as I know Sam really wanted to go there
how about contactim him?
Or, I wonder if we can go ther the next time?
If you dont' mide I'll just cancel it and make a reservaion for next time
I'm fine whatever decide
So just let me know
I'm rly sorry again and I'll make it up to you
Call me back
2022.04.14 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-1] 오픽(OPIC) 해부, 오픽 오해와 진실, 자기소개 필요? 전략적으로 준비하기.
2022.04.16 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-2] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 집, 가구, 가전
2022.04.23 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-6] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 지형, 집에서 보내는 휴가