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공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드

[DAY-2] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 집, 가구, 가전

by 버닝 아이스 🔥 2022. 4. 16.

1. 오픽 AL 등급 획득의 노하우만을 모아놓고,

모든 주제의 스크립트를 퀄리티 높게 정리해서 공유하는 블로그를 따로 운영하고 있습니다.


아래 사이트로 방문해주세요.



오픽미(Oh Pick Me)

오픽(OPIC) 시험 정보, 오픽 스크립트 그리고 영어 회화에 관한 다양한 정보!! 함께 공부합시다!! :-D




주제 : 집



질문 : 본인 집 묘사 (거실-주방-제일 좋아하는 안방)

Where you live / Describe~ / look like / How many rooms / favorite room


have lived in 3-bedroom apartment
There are the L/K/B/B
sofas and a couch
You can see a fridge/a microwave/a stove

would have to be (안방)

my best place to get some rest

really like / comfi and cozy
do almost every thing
relax / recharge my battery / get rid of my stress



질문 : 집 문제 발생 시 부모와 나 해결방식 차이

deal with problems / differences between how you and your parents solve problems


My parents and I are quite similar when ~
small - just simply handle it ourselves
lights go out / replace the old with new ones

out of order

On the other hand
need help for bigger problem such as troubles with home appliances
when things break down
I paid ~ / after getting it fixed



질문 : 집 과거 현재 비교(내 경험)

apartment you lived in when you were a child / different from the one you live in now / the differences and the similarities


과거)remember living in a 2 story house
playground right in front of / used to play all the time / enjoyed hide and seek
spent most of my childhood
just talking about it makes me feel warmth
현재)but now / high rise / small park nearby where
people can get some exercise / fresh air
various types of stores and facilities are within walking distance from my house
all about the differences of my house between past and now



질문 : 집 과거 현재 비교(14번 문제 - 일반)

changed over the years / different from the past


homes have chaned a lot over and over again
have become much taller / not that tall
newly built / have more than 20 floors
they are equipped with high speed elevators and underground parking space
convenient to live in
apartments look modern / well designed and even eco friendly



질문 : 주택시장 문제(15번 문제)


몇 가지 문제들이 있다 / personally this it's quite

rents have risen a lot
concentrate in
may have trouble finding a place
get a loan from banks / move out to / cheaper houses
government makes efforts to stabilize
develop / supply new residential cities around metropolitan area
housing policies were not that effective / sales prices are already too high
it didn't work well
one of the biggest problem / crazy price



질문 : 집에서 하는 일과 (데일리 루틴)

Tell me about the things that you do at home / daily routines / activity / give me all the detail


keep my house clean and well-organized
as often as I can
open all the windows to refresh the air
vacuum the floors
do the dishes right after every meals
on the most weekend / do the laundry / separate whites and colores / throw them in washer
normal gabage and food waste separately
gather recyclables in the recycling basket / take them out on my way out
daily routines



질문 : 집에 준 변화

you made, make / change


remember renovating / looked too old / atmosphere truly dark and gloomy
I decided that I redid the ~
I called professional person for interior to redid it / did good job
after they did that ~ looked brand new
happy with new look / worth the money I spent



질문 : 집에서 생겼던 문제들

always problems which happe in any home / Things break, projects do not go as planned ~


1)water leaked from the A.C at my house
waster all over the floor
wipe off the water from / was trying to ~ / couldn't
ended up calling a person to fix the problem
middle of hot summer / weather was so hot / so unforgettable


2)One day, entrance door didn't work well when I was about to go out to meet ~
replaced the batteries for the electric door lock



질문 : 집에서 생겼던 문제 자세히(설거지 중에 컵 깨짐)

Problems you have experienced / What were those problems? / How did / in detail ~

remember the time when I broke a cup while doing the dishes
I dropped a cup by mistak as I lost my grip. I don't know why
fell on the floor/ the cup was broken in so many pieces
cut my finger/ a small and tiny piece of glass got stuck into my finger
had to pull out / bleeding / sore / cleaned the cut / put a band aid on it


[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념 (실제 기출 문제 500개 PDF 파일) (tistory.com)


[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념

저자 소개 안녕하세요. 평범한 회사원12년차 '오픽미'입니다. 오늘은 제가 만든 전자책을 소개해드리려고 합니다. 저는 해외 대학 출신도 아니고, 그 흔한 어학 연수 경험도 전혀 없습니다. 순수


주제 : 가구 & 가전



가구 (현재 집에 있는)

What kind of furniture do you have ~/ type of ~ / What is your favorite ~ / Why ~?

I have / I can see / are in my bed room
Among them / favorite would have to be my bed / I can wind down and relax on it
really cozy and comfy mattress
reboot my stress level back to zero / get rid of my stress from work
can get a quality sleep almost every day
on weekends I sometimes take a nap
whenever I lie down, I always ended up falling a sleep
Can you imagine how comfotable my bed is~



질문 : 가구 (과거/현재 비교 - 사이즈/컬러)

Tell me about the furniture you had when you were young /  different from ~ today? / specific examples ~

The furniture I used to use when I was a kid was a lot smaller than the furniture I use now
remember using a small desk and a chaire
bed for kids / a queen-sized bed for adults
brighter /the ones I use now are dark bown



질문 : 가구에 생겼던 문제와 해결방법 (버리거나 새로 사거나)

Problems / Things might break, the fabric mtight get stained or ripped / How you fixed ~

Remember moving to my apartment several years ago
I called up moving company guys at that time
movers did all the packing and unpacking for me / did good job
I found out that one of the dressers got damagedone of the handles broke off
scrathes on the side
complain / dresser was in great condition before I moved
got reward for damage later on



질문 : 새로운 가전제품 및 전자제품이 가사노동에 가져온 변화(14번 문제)

home appliances or electronic devices / how have they changed household responsibilities ~

have developed over and over
have made our lives easier than in the past
fridge - keeps food coId and prevents it from going bad
microwave - heat some foods up very easily and fast with it
takes much less effort and time



질문 : 특정한 가전제품을 선택

specific modern appliance or device ~ / useful or convenient at home

one of the most useful
had to sweep / it took some time and efforts
by doing so, backache
easy to clean up my room as well
wire less / convenient / dont' have to plug them in / get tangled up
even better, robotic vacuum cleaners
they even come back to the charger by themselves



질문 : 가구 구입을 위한 현장 문의 - RP


looking for / thinking of ~
As for that, / What kinds of
Do you have them in brown?
budget is limited / how much they are
I wonder if you have any promotions going on currently
website I can see by any chance



질문 : 도착한 가구에서 문제 발견/설명/대안 - RP

I'm a customer who bought ~ at your store
has just arrived /


AL, IH용 오픽 스크립트 및 완벽 공략집 : 오픽미 (naver.com)


AL, IH용 오픽 스크립트 및 완벽 공략집 : 오픽미

[오픽미] 오픽 시험을 대비하는 분들을 위한 스크립트 및 노하우 자료를 판매합니다.


2022.01.23 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - 영어 자격증/취업준비/스펙 오픽(OPIC) 제대로 알고 전략적으로 준비하는 방법. AL 달성 후기 및 노하우!!

2022.04.14 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-1] 오픽(OPIC) 해부, 오픽 오해와 진실, 자기소개 필요? 전략적으로 준비하기.

2022.04.18 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - [DAY-3] 오픽(OPIC) 주제별 영어 표현 및 스크립트 - 재활용, MP3, 친척집 봐주기(RP)

2022.03.29 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - OPIC AL/IH 고득점 획득을 위한 필수!! 영어 대화의 수준을 높여주는 브릿지(연결어) 표현들 (취업/스펙/영어 자격증)

2022.03.24 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - OPIC AL/IH 고득점을 위한 필수 암기!! 자주 실수하는 콩글리쉬 표현 모음(사용하면 감점 요소!)

2022.01.27 - [공유하는 일상/오픽(OPIC) 강의 및 자료 업로드] - 오픽 필러 표현, OPIC AL, IH 등급 취득을 위해 필수 암기!! 시간을 벌어주는 다양한 Filler 표현들!! (취업/영어 자격증)





